The Friday before Labor Day in 1996, there was a 42-car pileup on I5 south of Seattle. Miraculously, only one person died. She was one of my co-workers. After two weeks in a coma, never regaining consiousness, she was removed from life support. It was shortly after my 22nd birthday. In the weeks and months … Continue reading “Preparing for the worst”
Learning from the ladies’ room
The new office building’s decorators had chosen fancy floor-to-ceiling stall doors in the restrooms. The heavy wooden louvered doors looked posh, they were incredibly private, and they matched other decor elements in the building. There’s only one problem: the building’s women couldn’t tell when the stalls were occupied. Now here’s a thing that y’all might not know, … Continue reading “Learning from the ladies’ room”
Where should a junior UX designer work?
As soon as you walk into my apartment, you will see I have covered one of my windows in sticky notes. I’ll soon be applying for User Experience internships for the summer of 2017. 46 pink sticky notes cover the window.These are the companies around the country (maybe even one in Canada) that are offering … Continue reading “Where should a junior UX designer work?”