People should be paid for their work. Starting in 2017, The Interconnected is paying our contributors. Writing is work. Writing is hard work, honestly. You’re taking a nebulous mix of ideas and feelings that live in the grey matter inside your skull, and using a mix of education, cultural information, and creativity, forging it into … Continue reading “On paying creators”
The true tragedy of the commons
This month is the 25th anniversary of when I walked into the little Duane Physics computer lab and asked for an email account. And with that, I joined the internet. I discovered the Usenet, MUDs, and coeds at Sweet Briar who would always want to chat with CU students at random times of the night. … Continue reading “The true tragedy of the commons”
A little (more) levity
Well, aren’t we all glad that’s over? Goodbye 2016, hello 2017, let’s start with something a little on the light side huh? Remember a long time ago back in September when I moved 11 tons of bricks? Remember how one of the primary goals was to keep the terriers from climbing things? Next up, some form … Continue reading “A little (more) levity”