Yesterday I spent almost three hours building a feature (capital-F Feature for the Drupal folx). Headphones on, not my hope + defiance playlist, but a Baroque music channel. Arranging all the little fiddly things, creating new repository branches, cross-checking settings. I spent a good long time on the same sort of work today. It’s very … Continue reading “Any Given Wednesday”
Managed complexity and knowing your audience
A while ago I did a post about documenting the core of our design heuristics. Not long after, I wrote about learnability and common sense. Today we’re going to talk about managing complexity. For me, managing complexity comes down to four things: Providing the appropriate level of complexity for the user Disclosing elements and choices … Continue reading “Managed complexity and knowing your audience”
Winter, or: Sean Bean is my patronus, part 1
“For some reason, the parts I play, like Boromir or Ned Stark, have a life online long afterwards. I keep seeing, what do you call them – memes? […] They’ll probably be my unintended legacy.” — Sean Bean I recently completed the biggest project of my career. As you might expect from something that significant, … Continue reading “Winter, or: Sean Bean is my patronus, part 1”