Sorrento-Gillis: “Why didn’t you ever run for office?” Avasarala: “I like getting shit done. And I like to keep my head attached to my neck.” — The Expanse, “The Seventh Man” When I was newly in the workforce, I just wanted to make enough money to pay rent, eat, and buy music. The further I … Continue reading “Chasing Titles”
Procrastination and #LateShiftUX
It’s almost 1am EST and I’ve just finished the late shift. That’s the term for those nights that, despite the best of intentions or planning, I’m logged in well past quitting time, cranking out wireframes or prototypes to hit a deadline. Some folks say that procrastination is a form of anxiety, and that’s true for … Continue reading “Procrastination and #LateShiftUX”
Deep problems vs social problems
I find myself of late working on two different categories of work: deep problems and social problems. Deep problems (and this is totally my own definition) are the kinds of things that I tend to do solo. They involve strategic thinking around building a structure or a prototype or a hierarchy for something. Examples include: … Continue reading “Deep problems vs social problems”