Room for everyone: On designers doing user research

The user researchers and UX designers are arguing, again, all because someone had the ridiculous idea that maybe UX designers should be doing user research. Quelle horreur! Just once I want the classical, highly trained researchers to take a deep breath and realize that a run-of-the-mill, generalist designer doing basic user research processes is no … Continue reading “Room for everyone: On designers doing user research”

Content management in fiction: AKA damn that’s a lot of files

We often say that when it comes to User Experience work, the cobbler’s kids have no shoes [1]warning: TV Tropes link. I’m not responsible for you getting lost in there forever. because, frankly, with all the brain time we’re putting into our clients’ projects we have too much decision fatigue at the end of the average … Continue reading “Content management in fiction: AKA damn that’s a lot of files”