On my team, we have an in-depth process for revamping sections of our large college website[1]I gave a presentation about it at Confab Edu. There isn’t a video, but my slides are online.. One of the notable features is a sort of co-writing process. It’s something I haven’t heard of anywhere else. Our team and … Continue reading “Stakeholder Storytellers”
Design and culture change
“Culture change is hard.” It was probably the fifth or sixth time I’d heard that design director say that. And I wouldn’t slight him, because he had his work cut out for him — the organizational culture he was trying to change had no history of design being part of it. (And, honestly, it struggled … Continue reading “Design and culture change”
Some definitions
System a group of related parts that move or work together Content Management System Software that enables an organization to seamlessly create, edit, review and publish electronic text. Tool Something used in performing an operation or necessary in the practice of a vocation or profession. Content Management Tool [No definition found] They’re content management systems … Continue reading “Some definitions”