Inspired by a recent flight and tweetstorm. Baggage fees are a fun game, aren’t they? It used to be that airlines assumed you were going to check a bag. Fees were only charged to consumers if they were taking more bags than usual. Until American charging for bags over 50 lbs in 2002, the money that airlines … Continue reading “Baggage fees and gaming the system”
On IA Summit 2017 and Legacy
(I thought about saying something during Five Minute Madness, but so many of these thoughts were still swimming in my head that it would have come out even more disjointed than this piece is. So I did the thing I do — I sat down and wrote it instead, with some assistance from Lin-Manuel Miranda.) … Continue reading “On IA Summit 2017 and Legacy”
Black is the New Black: Navigating in black and white
If you search for the latest in web design trends in 2017, you’ll see a lot of pretty reasonable sounding articles all putting together roughly the same list: Animation is starting to be used correctly and tastefully Mobile-first design is becoming more of a norm Hero images still haven’t gone away and are getting “trendier” Single-page … Continue reading “Black is the New Black: Navigating in black and white”