About this time last year, a buzz formed around a gallery website that featured unconventional website designs that bucked the trend of slick, UI-centric layouts common around the web today. The gallery, Brutalist Websites, features screenshots of websites with a “ruggedness and lack of concern to look comfortable or easy.” Hype around the trend seems … Continue reading “Redefining Web Brutalism”
On UX in the Triage Room
What’s the point of a UI when the back-end isn’t performant enough to serve correct data in a timely fashion? Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up. One time I walked into a big triage meeting for our very late, very broken latest product release. We needed to look over 400+ bugs … Continue reading “On UX in the Triage Room”
Anne’s List of Project Statuses
“What’s the status of your project?” On fire: Will not leave me alone, something blew up, highest priority. This is what I’m working on unless something else is also on fire, in which case I’m working on two fires. Active: Regular meetings, regular activity, moving along as scheduled (or a little faster or a little … Continue reading “Anne’s List of Project Statuses”