It’s another day in the pixel mines and more things have annoyed me. Since that counts as actually writing and not hiding from my blogging duties, you get to enjoy some free-floating hostility. Error messages with mixed messages Let’s start with this beautiful example of a totally useless error message. The scenario: you have one … Continue reading “Dedicated to George Carlin’s routine titling and specifically “Free-floating hostility”.”
Two points make a line
As I was watching the tow truck driver prep the flat bed to pick up my car today (it has been A Month), I thought to myself, “self, based on all the factories and such that I saw on Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood and Sesame Street and all, I really thought there’d be more levers activating … Continue reading “Two points make a line”
Getting back on the horse
Today’s pet peeve: when you walk into the bathroom and go to turn on the light but it’s on the other side of the door. Electricians! We always turn toward the toilet if we know where it is because that’s where we’re going. Put the light switch on the same side of the door as … Continue reading “Getting back on the horse”