It is OK to say “I need to cancel” in the middle of a pandemic

This is your official permission slip to stop in the middle of anything you’re doing while working from home and say, “I have to go.” That’s all you have to say.  Add “I’ll catch up later” if you want to set expectations. Then disconnect and do the thing. Let me explain. I don’t work from … Continue reading “It is OK to say “I need to cancel” in the middle of a pandemic”

High stress and culture change, aka 2020.

Due to this pesky virus thing that’s making the rounds killing people, a whole bunch of web folk are suddenly being encouraged or ordered to stop traveling, start washing their hands, and work from home. If your company has a remote-first culture, you’re going to find everyone is more stressed than usual, but assuming it’s … Continue reading “High stress and culture change, aka 2020.”