In Ursula K Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,” the quality of life for an entire society comes from focusing all the pain upon a single child that horrifically bares it all for the common good. Le Guin puts forth two possible reactions by the people of the society to this reality: … Continue reading “The Omelas Moment”
After Wonderland
Friend of The Interconnected Roz Duffy recently wrote How to Go Down the Rabbit Hole, a guide to mapping your path through the rabbit holes of research we often fall into. Something grabs your attention and holds it. If you frame it as though it is an invitation, a call to adventure, a portal opening … Continue reading “After Wonderland”
On Speed in UX Design
I’ve been doing what we now call User Experience (UX) for over 15 years, from small startups to Mega corps. And in every job, no matter what, I hear some version of this speech: “Design is too slow! You have this big, heavy process, but we need to ship a solution, yesterday! You want to … Continue reading “On Speed in UX Design”