As a person with a non-linear career, I never thought I would be one to provide career advice. But as we enter an era in which thousands of people who thought their jobs were secure are suddenly finding themselves unemployed and not knowing what to do, I am realizing I have actually been training my … Continue reading “Career planning for an age of constant disruption”
UX, AI, and the farsightedness of design
At a previous gig, the hype around generative AI was at fever pitch, and every product manager, engineer, and executive was throwing “AI” at anything and everything. There were good ideas — great ideas, in fact — but so many of them were, well, short-sighted. One example I ran into: Say that as an account … Continue reading “UX, AI, and the farsightedness of design”
The Omelas Moment
In Ursula K Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,” the quality of life for an entire society comes from focusing all the pain upon a single child that horrifically bares it all for the common good. Le Guin puts forth two possible reactions by the people of the society to this reality: … Continue reading “The Omelas Moment”