I’ve tweeted a few times about a project I’m on over the past few months where I produced large volumes of wireframes and documentation. Well-meaning people are replying to my tweets to let me know that Big Up Front Design means I’m Doing Agile Wrong. There’s a lot to unpack from that—more than I can fit … Continue reading “Doing Agile Wrong: Design is not Development”
Life-tracking: not quite right yet
I’ve been doing some sort of “life-tracking” with websites, apps, or pen and paper for years. In some ways, it started when I wrote my first diary entry at age 9. Now it’s a way of keeping track of different bits of information related to my health. What I want, ultimately, is to understand myself better … Continue reading “Life-tracking: not quite right yet”
Realizations through Learning UX
Editor’s note: This post was originally published on Medium. We welcome Talisha to The Interconnected and thank her for being willing to republish her article here! This past Monday, in my Digital Experience Design class, we were completing a group exercise. As students, we were collaborating to create an affinity diagram based on what we … Continue reading “Realizations through Learning UX”