Usually task-switching is a bad thing, yeah? You want to get into the flow and dive deep into that work, look up and it’s three hours later and you’ve made something amazing. But sometimes the flow just doesn’t happen. Sometimes the work you’re doing is frustrating and painful and you might as well quit the … Continue reading “Switch it up”
You are not “The Guy”
I was about four years into a career in tech support at a major financial company. My job was to report technical issues affecting multiple clients; the maintenance developers fixed them. About once a month my boss and their boss and all of us sat down to discuss what had and hadn’t gotten fixed. “This … Continue reading “You are not “The Guy””
The Ubiquitous Design of Nutrition Facts
I was working with a student developer recently who was putting together a new site for a massive archive. She was doing the bulk of the technical heavy lifting while I sat by dallying with CSS and font sizes, and drinking a refreshing Dr. Pepper. After she finished the algorithms to migrate the data and … Continue reading “The Ubiquitous Design of Nutrition Facts”