People ask me why I’m still on Twitter, and in 2017, it’s been a difficult question to answer. Twitter has had an abuse problem for almost its entire life. People have felt empowered to be assholes in 140 characters or less — some because they can do so with few/no consequences, some because they’re just … Continue reading “Problematic Content”
The world feels heavy on me right now. White supremacists on the march. An open racist in the White House. Threats of nuclear war. A callous attitude towards the poor, the ill, the poor in spirit. When your job is about cultivating empathy, doing your work is hard. Even your best days suffer from the … Continue reading “Sorrow”
Staying motivated at work
Someone recently asked a group of us how to stay motivated at work. Here are three things that help me. Thing the first: get out amongst your peers Go to industry-related things not related to work. For me the semiannual pilgrimage to An Event Apart is a major motivator – I come home with new … Continue reading “Staying motivated at work”