Want to know why everyone over a certain age gets mad when they have to buy your software? When I was 13 I bought software (mostly games and the occasional writing application) from a stand at the farmer’s market, on 3 1/2 inch floppy disks wrapped in shrink wrap. It ran on my dad’s Tandy … Continue reading “We didn’t have these problems when I was your age, before you stepped on my lawn”
Page Integrity Testing
Call it “Page integrity testing” (or PIT), call it the UX Review part of QA, call it just “testing”, but every UX Designer whose work gets through a team will eventually get asked to validate the project’s work. (Note: if you are not being asked to validate work at the end of a sprint that … Continue reading “Page Integrity Testing”
Twitter must change or die
(This is an expansion on a set of tweets I posted on September 30th, 2017.) Y’all pile on us. You really think the issue doesn’t weigh on us? And you’re so dismissive of the Trust and Safety team. We’re all people. — Biz Stone (@biz) October 1, 2017 The hideous abuse of Twitter’s users and … Continue reading “Twitter must change or die”