If it’s not obvious, The Interconnected is published on WordPress, a content management system. They estimate roughly 32% of the web runs on their platform. Bebo, their WordPress 5.0 software, has just released. It promises a significant upgrade to the writing, layout, and publishing processes that we use to put together our site. Since I … Continue reading “Putting my money where my mouth is”
Taking a break is hard
[ppp_patron_only] Editor’s Note: We’re testing a new Patreon plugin which, if it works, means you’ll only see this post if you’re one of our $5 or higher subscribers. I mentioned recently that this was a hard year. It’s almost over, and by my calculations today I have four work days (and three special events) left before … Continue reading “Taking a break is hard”
So it’s December
Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. So it’s December, and the arbitrary date we use to mark the passage of a year of time is coming near. There are some people, mostly in the fiction circles, that I follow because they keep me grounded. When things get rough, they … Continue reading “So it’s December”